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Monday, February 15, 2010

Key Provisions of the Patriot Act

Section 201--Gives federal the officials the authority to intercept wire, spoken and electronic communications relating to terrorism

Section 202--Gives federal officials the authority to intercept wire , spoken and electronic communications relating to computer fraud and abuses offenses

Section 203(b)--Permits the sharing of grand jury information that involves foreign intelligence or counterintelligence with federal law enforcement.

Section(d)--Gives foreign intelligence or counterintelligence officers the ability to share foreign intelligence information obtained as part of criminal investigation with law enforcement.

Section 204--Makes clear with nothing in the law regarding pen registers--an electronic device which records all records all numbers dialed from a particular phone line--stops the governments ability to obtained foreign intelligence information.

Section(206)--Allows federal officials issue roving"John Doe" wiretaps which allow investigators to listen in on any telephone and tap any computer they think a suspected spy or terrorist night use.

Section 207--Increases the amount of time that federal officials may watch people they suspect are spies or terrorist.

Section 209-- Permits the seizure of voice mail messages under a warrant.

Section 212--Permits Internet service providers and other electronic communication and remote computing service providers to hand over records and e-mails to federal officials emergency situations.

Section 214-- Allows use of a pen register or trap and trace devices that record originating phone numbers of all incoming calls in international terrorism or spy investigations.

Section 215-- Authorizes federal officials to obtained "tangible items" like business records including those from libraries and bookstores,for foreign intelligence and international terrorism investigations.

Section 217--Makes it lawful to intercept the wire or electronic communication of a computer hacker or intruder in certain circumstances

Section 218--Allows federal to officials to wiretap or watch suspect if foreign intelligence gathering is a "significant purpose". for seeking a federal intelligence surveillance act order.

Section 220--Provides for nationwide service of search warrants for electronic evidence.

Section 223--Amends the federal criminal code to provide for administrative discipline of federal officers or employees who violate prohibition against unauthorized disclosure of information gathered under this act.

Section 225--Amends FISA to prohibit lawsuits against people or companies that provide information federal officials for a terrorism investigation.
