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Monday, November 23, 2009

Are IT workers Professional?

Yes, it's because being an IT workers is not easy to. We all know that the Information Technology it refers to the Technology specifically in Computer. In terms of computer we already know that computer has a virus and automatically the It workers makes a anti Virus to computer safe.And its not easy to make and anti virus and especially IT workers is one of the Encoder. Thats why IT workers is a Professionals.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


To apply as a regular employee of the company or as one of the manager of the company.

The 4 Philosopical Theories

1. The virtue ethics Approach
2.The utilitarian Approach
3. Fairness Approach
4.The common good Approach

The 7 Steps in Decision Making

1. get facts
2.identify stakeholders and their positions
3.considered the consecquences of your decision
4.weigh values guidelines and principles
5.developed and evaluate options
6.review your decision
7.Evaluate the result of your desicion